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© OOO «Olimp» - Advertisement in the metro.

Advertising effectiveness in Moscow underground 2009
Åìêîñòü ðûíêà ðåêëàìû â ìåòðî 2004ã.
Îáúåì ðûíêà ðåêëàìû â ìåòðî 2004ã.

Metro advertising efficiency in 2007

A traditional study dedicated to the advertisement efficiency in the Moscow metro was carried out in May-June 2007. This is the fourth marketing project already implemented by TNS Gallup Media on request of OOO “Olimp”, the “underground” communications market operator.

The main study objectives still included the estimation of the megacity residents’ attentiveness to the advertisement accommodated on the metro territory and to particular types of advertisement carriers, as well as a description of the social-demographic passengers’ structure.

Similar to the previous projects, the study «Metro advertisement efficiency in 2007» included a telephone inquiry of Moscow residents at the age of 16 and older. The scope of the casual two-stage sampling is 2000 accomplished interviews that represent general population that constitutes 9.051 million people. The second part of the study is based on 540 personal interviews that the TNS Gallup Media employees have obtained at various Moscow metro stations.

Phone interviews showed that:

  • On average the Metro is used by 76% of Moscow adult population per month (about 6.9 million people), on average 37% of Moscow residents per day (more than 3.4 million people)
  • Almost 3.3 million people on weekdays and 1.1 million people on weekends use the Metro at least once a day.
  • About 83% of the passengers on weekdays and the same amount on weekends spend at least half an hour in the Metro.

The social-and-demographic image of the metro passengers:

Consumer characteristics and lifestyle.

  • The Moscow metro users actively spend their leisure time, they often visit cafes and movie theaters.
  • Practically two thirds of the metro passengers have a country house (61%, 4.2 million people)
  • Almost half of the families of the metro users have a privately owned car (48%, 3.2 million people)
  • A considerable part of the metro passengers (67%, 4.7 million people) used different banking services during the 12-months period preceding the inquiry.
  • One tenth of the Moscow residents that use the metro (10%, 673 thousand people) made holiday and/or business trips abroad within the last 6 months.

Attentiveness to the metro advertisement.

  • The overwhelming majority of the Moscow residents (90%, 6.2 million people) who use the Metro pay attention to the advertisement accommodated there. Meanwhile more than half of the Moscow metro passengers (52%, 3.6 million people) pay attention to various advertising media during each trip by metro.
  • The following categories of people take notice of advertisement more often than any other ones:
    • 20-24 year old men
    • women
    • people with higher education
    • employed people
    • specialists and white collars
    • white collars, specialists, workers and students
    • middle-class and wealthy Moscow residents.

When assessing the attentiveness to the advertisement carriers’ types TNS Gallup Media employees obtained the following results:

Advertisement types Phone inquiry results Personal interviews results
Pay attention to this advertisement type
At least sometimes (at least once a month) During each “average” trip At least sometimes (at least once a month) During each “average” trip

Stickers in metro cars
80% 33% Figures
were not
were not

Stickers on the car walls
were not
were not
95% 75,5%

Stickers on the car glass doors
were not
were not
84,6% 52,1%

Stickers with the metro lines scheme in the cars
55% 11% 84,2% 48,3%

Boards along the escalators
81% 39% 91,3% 62,1%

Posters on the walls opposite the platforms
54% 13% 87,4% 46,7%

Illuminated boards in the halls
40% 7% 70% 31,1%

Posters on the racks with the Metro newspaper«Ìåòðî»
were not
were not
69% 27,3%

Boards without illumination in the halls
were not
were not
66,4% 24,1%
  • Last year about 1.6 million of the Moscow residents used addresses and/or telephone numbers given in the advertisement messages accommodated in the Moscow metro.

Metro advertising efficiency in 2009

Metro advertising efficiency in 2008

Metro advertising efficiency in 2006

Metro advertising efficiency in 2005

Metro advertising efficiency in 2004

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advertising agency