OLIMP all the advertisement in the metro
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Types of advertisement Types of advertisement
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Metro advertisement efficiency Metro advertisement efficiency
Company profile Company profile
Authorized agencies Authorized agencies
Mass media about company Mass media about company
Creative work Creative work
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If the materials are used fully or partially link to olimp-m.ru is obligatory. Send all your remarks and wishes to info@olimp-m.ru

© OOO «Olimp» - Advertisement in the metro.


Creative work of the month

In this section anyone may give his/her opinion about advertisement posters placed in the Moscow metro. Every month we will publish up to 5 posters here that to our mind are worth your attention. The poster that gets the most number of votes is declared to be the best in the specified month. Please, cast your vote: it is you who determines the winner among these creative works.

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рекламное агентство Dot Created by Dot
advertising agency