OLIMP all the advertisement in the metro
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Types of advertisement Types of advertisement
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Metro advertisement efficiency Metro advertisement efficiency
Company profile Company profile
Authorized agencies Authorized agencies
Mass media about company Mass media about company
Creative work Creative work
Contacts Contacts
If the materials are used fully or partially link to olimp-m.ru is obligatory. Send all your remarks and wishes to info@olimp-m.ru

© OOO «Olimp» - Advertisement in the metro.

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CJSC "Media Master"

Authorized agencies

Dealing with the placement of all visual advertisement in the «underground city» the «Olimp» company sells advertisement spaces in the Moscow metro through its authorized agencies. These companies have a long experience of working in the market of metro advertisement as well as a wide range of customers who constantly place their advertisement in the Moscow underground.

Olimp is actively developing its dealership field of activity. Currently the customer may order advertisement at any of these companies. This advertisement will be placed at any of the existing metro advertisement spaces. In addition to their professional skills the partners of LLC «Olimp» have powerful economic instruments that may rase advertisers’ interest.

Hence it is possible to order an advertisement campaign both at LLC «Olimp» and at any of its authorized agencies:

LLC «Avangard Design Media» tel. (495) 933-10-86, www.avangard-m.ru

LLC «Almacor Media Buying» tel. (495) 903-94-17, www.almacor.ru

LLC «Atlanta M» tel. (499) 264-85-04, www.atlanta-m.ru

CJSC «Media Master» tel. (499) 140-10-52, www.ra-mediamaster.ru

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advertising agency