OLIMP all the advertisement in the metro
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© OOO «Olimp» - Advertisement in the metro.

Реклама на эскалаторных спусках и переходах
Реклама на платформах станций
Реклама в вестибюлях
Реклама на видеопанелях

Advertisement at stations

Advertisement at metro stations is remarkable for its considerable diversity. It includes adhesive application work as well as billboards of various sizes with and without internal illumination.

Advertisement spaces situated in the most noticeable spots of the stations are capable of providing a high frequency of visual contacts with the customer’s information. The retention of advertisement messages is increased by their high repeatability and high quality of the printing art. Detailed data on the distribution of everyday multi-million passenger flows considerably facilitate the management and planning of advertisement campaigns in the underground city.

A certain part of metro station advertisement is sold in packages, however advertisement spaces may also be rented separately. This fact allows small businesses as well as individual entrepreneurs to organize efficient local advertisement.

Placement of the customer’s advertisement usually takes 5-7 working days and includes registration of the placement date and places. This information is then given to the customer who needs to remember that usually the preparation of an advertisement campaign at the stations takes 4-5 calendar weeks. The customers are also advised to coordinate the camera-ready copy with the legal department of OOO «Olimp» for the purpose of checking the advertisement information compliance with the Russian Law «On Advertisement».

рекламное агентство Dot Created by Dot
advertising agency